Beogo Neere, committed to fulfillment financial education the promotion of IGAs of women and the most vulnerable.
Ready to make the difference? Join us for a more fulfilled and united world!
Who are we?
ASSOCIATION BEOGO NEERE takes its name from the Mooré language “Beogo-Neere“, or “to build a better future“, the main objective is to empower women to take responsibility for their own lives and become financially independent . The Association is driven by the belief that empowering women is the most effective strategy for ensuring family well-being and long-term success. ABN’s mission is to promote the empowerment of women and to contribute financially to the well-being of their families.
Some stats
People affected
Your support is the source of our strength and growing impact. Every gesture, big or small, contributes to shaping a future of fulfillment and equality for all, particularly for women and the most disadvantaged.
Become part of the symphony of change. Your donation composes the notes that create a melody of hope.

As a single mother of twin girls and manager of a small IGA, I was not a member of the Association. However, following the invitation of a member, I attended a training on "Gains and Expenses Management". I discovered the importance of monitoring my family's fixed and variable expenses on a monthly basis to better manage our finances. This exercise allowed me to save, thus avoiding impulsive spending. A few months later, thanks to my savings, I was able to meet an unexpected expense, preserving my dignity and responsibility. This session inspired me to become a member to benefit from other trainings and lead a fulfilling life, while being a role model for my two daughters.
Wendemi Single mother
When I started working, savings and income-increasing projects were not easy for me. Thanks to the sensitization session on the creation of IGA, I understood that hard work is not enough to shape a bright future. I understood that developing an Income Generating Activity (IGA) is essential to ensure my financial independence. I saved and invested in a fridge, used for my ice cream business that I distribute to bars, restaurants and kiosks. This AGR gave me a driver's license and my next goal is to buy a van to get into mobile catering and event catering. Thanks to ABN's awareness sessions, I learned to assess the viability of an IGA and to recognize my skills to exercise it.
Sabine Young lady
I participated in awareness sessions on savings because I could not save because of my situation as a widow, living in a common courtyard with my co-wife and having charge of 3 children who are still minors and 2 of my little children. . I lost my husband and I had to get into an activity to be able to take care of myself and my children. My small business is profitable but I did not know how to save. With the sessions of the Association I learned to do my accounts and to always save 10% of the profit which allowed me to enlarge my display in this market and to ensure the education of my children who at the death of their dad had stopped school for lack of means.
Alima Saleswoman at Naabi Yaar market